
RSI "Progress Tracker" Delta Reports

by ShinyHobo RSS

Progress Tracker Delta

509 deliverables listed | 2023-11-15 => 2023-11-29

There were 4 modifications, 0 removals, and 0 additions in this update. Please note that not all removals are intentional; there is currently a bug with how time is entered on the Progress Tracker that can cause deliverables to disappear.

extra analysis (click me)

There are approximately 88 devs (out of ~512, or 17%) with 175 assignments scheduled to work on 19 observable deliverables. Of those deliverables, 0% are for SQ42 exclusively, with ~41 devs (8%) scheduled for approximately 256 man-days. 0% of deliverables are shared between both projects.

On average, the schedule has not moved. 2 deliverables were not extended:

The top currently scheduled tasks (in estimated man-days) are:

  1. 640 - Additional Derelict Settlements (full-time)
  2. 560 - Building Interiors (full-time)
  3. 400 - Underground Facilities (full-time)
  4. 208 - SQ42 - Polishing (full-time)
  5. 200 - Bug Fixing & Tech Debt (full-time)
  6. 192 - Freight Elevators (full-time)
  7. 144 - Resource Management (full-time)
  8. 100 - RSI Polaris (full-time)
  9. 88 - Bounty Hunter V2 (full-time)
  10. 72 - Persistent Hangars (full-time)
  11. 72 - RSI Apollo (full-time)
  12. 62 - Aopoa San'tok.yāi (full-time)
  13. 60 - Origin G12 (full-time)
  14. 56 - Outpost Homestead - Independent & Outlaw (full-time)
  15. 48 - SQ42 - Vehicle Support (full-time)
  16. 31 - RSI Zeus MkII (full-time)
  17. 22 - New Missions - Steal/Recover Cargo (full-time)
  18. 8 - New Player Experience (full-time)
  19. 8 - Salvage - Vehicle Munching (full-time)

The top currently scheduled tasks (in assigned devs) are:

  1. 37 - Bug Fixing & Tech Debt (full-time)
  2. 26 - SQ42 - Polishing (full-time)
  3. 18 - Building Interiors (full-time)
  4. 16 - Outpost Homestead - Independent & Outlaw (full-time)
  5. 15 - SQ42 - Vehicle Support (full-time)
  6. 10 - Underground Facilities (full-time)
  7. 9 - RSI Polaris (full-time)
  8. 8 - Additional Derelict Settlements (full-time)
  9. 8 - Resource Management (full-time)
  10. 6 - Freight Elevators (full-time)
  11. 5 - Aopoa San'tok.yāi (full-time)
  12. 3 - Bounty Hunter V2 (full-time)
  13. 3 - Origin G12 (full-time)
  14. 3 - Persistent Hangars (full-time)
  15. 3 - RSI Apollo (full-time)
  16. 2 - RSI Zeus MkII (full-time)
  17. 1 - New Missions - Steal/Recover Cargo (full-time)
  18. 1 - New Player Experience (full-time)
  19. 1 - Salvage - Vehicle Munching (full-time)

[4] deliverable(s) updated:

Aopoa San’tok.y?i

2023-01-02 => 2023-12-14

  • Title has been updated from “Aopoa San’tok.y?i” to “Aopoa San’tok.yāi”
  • Description has been updated from
    “Building, balancing, and implementing Aopoa’s medium fighter, the San’tok.yāi, into the game.”

ship 36

2023-04-02 => 2023-10-05

  • Title has been updated from “ship 36” to “Drake Cutter Scout”
  • Description has been updated from
    “Building, balancing, and implementing Drake Interplanetary’s reconnaissance ship, the Cutter Scout, into the game.”

  • Added to the 3.21 release window

“All tasks required for the implementation of the Drake Cutter Scout.”

ship 38

2023-11-05 => 2023-12-28

  • Title has been updated from “ship 38” to “RSI Zeus MkII”
  • Description has been updated from
    “Building, balancing, and implementing RSI’s small multicrew ship, the Zeus MkII, into the game.”

Unannounced (Unannounced Vehicle)

2023-02-26 => 2023-10-25

  • Title has been updated from “Unannounced” to “Gatac Syulen”
  • Description has been updated from
    “Unannounced Vehicle”
    “Building, implementing, and balancing Gatac’s starter ship, the Syulen, as a game-ready vehicle.”

  • Added to the 3.21 release window

“All tasks required for the implementation of the Gatac Syulen”

[505] deliverable(s) unchanged