Progress Tracker Delta
509 deliverables listed | 2023-11-01 => 2023-11-15
There were 24 modifications, 2 removals, and 15 additions (with 13 returning) in this update. Please note that not all removals are intentional; there is currently a bug with how time is entered on the Progress Tracker that can cause deliverables to disappear.
extra analysis (click me)
There are approximately 108 devs (out of ~512, or 21%) with 218 assignments scheduled to work on 21 observable deliverables. Of those deliverables, 0% are for SQ42 exclusively, with ~41 devs (8%) scheduled for approximately 535 man-days. 1% of deliverables are shared between both projects.
On average, the schedule has not moved. 7 deliverables were not extended:
- New Missions - Cargo Hauling
- New Missions - Data Heist
- New Missions - Restoration Contracts
- Origin X1
- Pyro Space Stations
- Reputation - Hostility
- Security Network V1
The top currently scheduled tasks (in estimated man-days) are:
- 863 - Building Interiors (full-time)
- 857 - Additional Derelict Settlements (full-time)
- 617 - Underground Facilities (full-time)
- 421 - SQ42 - Polishing (4% part-time)
- 329 - Bug Fixing & Tech Debt (9% part-time)
- 296 - Freight Elevators (full-time)
- 170 - Resource Management (full-time)
- 167 - RSI Polaris (full-time)
- 136 - Bounty Hunter V2 (full-time)
- 114 - SQ42 - Vehicle Support (full-time)
- 111 - Persistent Hangars (full-time)
- 111 - RSI Apollo (full-time)
- 106 - Aopoa San'tok.y?i (full-time)
- 100 - Origin G12 (full-time)
- 72 - New Player Experience (full-time)
- 61 - Miscellaneous Support (full-time)
- 56 - Outpost Homestead - Independent & Outlaw (full-time)
- 43 - Refinery Ships (full-time)
- 33 - New Missions - Steal/Recover Cargo (full-time)
- 19 - ship 38 (full-time)
- 8 - Salvage - Vehicle Munching (full-time)
The top currently scheduled tasks (in assigned devs) are:
- 62 - Bug Fixing & Tech Debt (9% part-time)
- 26 - SQ42 - Polishing (4% part-time)
- 18 - Building Interiors (full-time)
- 16 - Miscellaneous Support (full-time)
- 16 - Outpost Homestead - Independent & Outlaw (full-time)
- 15 - SQ42 - Vehicle Support (full-time)
- 10 - Underground Facilities (full-time)
- 9 - RSI Polaris (full-time)
- 8 - Additional Derelict Settlements (full-time)
- 8 - Resource Management (full-time)
- 6 - Freight Elevators (full-time)
- 5 - Aopoa San'tok.y?i (full-time)
- 3 - Bounty Hunter V2 (full-time)
- 3 - Origin G12 (full-time)
- 3 - Persistent Hangars (full-time)
- 3 - RSI Apollo (full-time)
- 2 - Refinery Ships (full-time)
- 2 - ship 38 (full-time)
- 1 - New Missions - Steal/Recover Cargo (full-time)
- 1 - New Player Experience (full-time)
- 1 - Salvage - Vehicle Munching (full-time)
[2] deliverable(s) removed:
Drake Cutter Scout 
Last scheduled from 2023-04-02 to 2023-10-05
Building, balancing, and implementing Drake Interplanetary’s reconnaissance ship, the Cutter
Scout, into the game.
The following team(s) have been freed up:
- Vehicle Content - MTL
Release 3.21
RSI Zeus MkII 
Last scheduled from 2023-11-05 to 2023-12-28
Building, balancing, and implementing RSI’s small multicrew ship, the Zeus MkII, into the game.
The following team(s) have been freed up:
- Vehicle Content - MTL
x2 Art devs had 16 tasks
[15] deliverable(s) added:
Arena Commander: Classic Race Mode Overhaul (returning!) 
2022-07-10 => 2023-03-17
A complete overhaul of all systems and maps in Arena Commander’s Classic Race Mode.
Improvements include a complete refactor of the Checkpoint entity & race manager system,
improvements to scoring, a complete rework of all three New Horizon Speedway maps, as well as a new
map, The Snake Pit.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Arena Commander Feature Team began work 2022-07-10
x1 Design dev with 14 tasks (135% load)
x1 Engineering dev with 8 tasks (116% load)
Arena Commander: Experimental Game Modes (returning!) 
2023-01-02 => 2023-09-20
These limited-time game modes range from simple twists on current modes to entirely new modes. This
initiative will not only allow rapid iteration of game modes to be put in players’ hands
faster, but also allow all teams to gather vital analytic data for specific activities, equipment,
vehicles, and in-development features.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Arena Commander Feature Team began work 2023-01-02
x1 Engineering dev previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.20
Arena Commander: Frontend Update (returning!) 
2023-03-29 => 2023-09-20
Replacement of the current Electronic Access Frontend. This makes switching modes, vehicles,
loadouts as well as creating lobbies a more fluid experience, as well as giving developers the tools
to adjust features and create new ones more easily.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Arena Commander Feature Team began work 2023-03-29
x1 Design dev previously completed all available tasks
x1 Engineering dev previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.20
Arena Commander: New Racetracks (returning!) 
2023-03-29 => 2023-09-20
Test your racing prowess in Euterpe Icebreaker, Miners Lament, The Snake Pit and Yadar Valley as
some of the first persistent universe locations enter Arena Commander, alongside Halloran Circuit, a
brand new racetrack on the New Horizon Speedway.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Arena Commander Feature Team began work 2023-03-29
x1 Design dev previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.20
Boat Movement Parameters (returning!) 
2021-04-04 => 2021-06-24
Creation and support for a new vehicle movement simulation and movement type for use with boats or
other aquatic vehicles.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Arena Commander Feature Team began work 2021-04-04
x1 Design dev with 1 tasks (152% load)
x1 Engineering dev with 3 tasks (152% load)
Checkpoint - Restore Ship State (returning!) 
2021-09-05 => 2021-09-16
Once implemented, re-loading from a checkpoint will restore the ship state when it was saved, or in
a designer specified state.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Arena Commander Feature Team began work 2021-09-05
x1 Engineering dev with 1 tasks (152% load)
Destructible Workflow (returning!) 
2021-06-21 => 2021-08-01
Building out a workflow to allow artists and designers to work with destructible objects.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- VFX Team began work 2021-06-21
x1 Art dev with 1 tasks (83% load)
Event System - One Shot Triggers (returning!) 
2021-01-03 => 2021-04-15
When complete, the Event System will no longer have multiple loops when events are dispatched.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Arena Commander Feature Team began work 2021-01-03
x1 Engineering dev with 4 tasks (180% load)
Landing Gear Springs (returning!) 
2021-02-07 => 2021-03-04
Support for Cinematics to be able to control landing gear spring height.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Arena Commander Feature Team began work 2021-02-07
x1 Engineering dev with 2 tasks (152% load)
Migrating Legacy Vehicle XMLs to Datacore (returning!) 

2021-05-02 => 2021-05-13
Updating XML vehicle data to be stored in a new optimized location and format.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Arena Commander Feature Team began work 2021-05-02
x1 Engineering dev previously completed all available tasks
SDF Shields (returning!) 

2021-03-07 => 2021-04-01
Adapt shields code to determine shield hits based off of dynamically contoured shield meshes for
more accurate combat gameplay, and to eliminate possible weak spots in shields. This also extends
shield tech to entities beyond just vehicles.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Arena Commander Feature Team began work 2021-03-07
x1 Engineering dev previously completed all available tasks
ship 36
2023-04-02 => 2023-10-05
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - MTL began work 2023-04-02
x2 Art devs previously completed all available tasks - VFX Team began work 2023-06-30
x1 Art dev previously completed all available tasks
ship 38
2023-11-05 => 2023-12-28
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - MTL began work 2023-11-05
x2 Art devs with 14 tasks (208% load)
Vehicle Door Improvements (returning!) 
2021-05-16 => 2021-11-11
Updates to the underlying implementation of vehicle door setup that will allow for more advanced
interactions, including ramps aligning to terrain and other ship-specific behaviors.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Arena Commander Feature Team began work 2021-05-16
x1 Design dev with 2 tasks (152% load)
x1 Engineering dev with 2 tasks (152% load)
Vehicle to Vehicle Loadout Spawning (returning!) 
2021-06-13 => 2021-09-02
Enabling ItemPorts and cargo grids to support vehicle-loading via VMA. This will also allow ASOP
terminals to report vehicle-in-vehicle statuses.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Arena Commander Feature Team began work 2021-06-13
x2 Engineering devs with 5 tasks (74% load)
[24] deliverable(s) updated:
Argo SRV 
2022-04-17 => 2023-07-26
- End date has been extended from 2023-02-23 to 2023-07-26
Release 3.21
Cave Archetypes 
2021-04-01 => 2023-04-26
- End date has been extended from 2023-04-14 to 2023-04-26
Charge/Drain T0 

2021-02-28 => 2023-03-01
- End date has been extended from 2022-11-23 to 2023-03-01
Crusader Spirit 
2022-07-03 => 2023-10-18
- End date has been extended from 2023-06-15 to 2023-10-18
Derelict Spaceships - Points of Interest 
2021-04-01 => 2023-05-24
- End date has been extended from 2023-02-26 to 2023-05-24
Release 3.16
Drake Corsair 
2021-04-11 => 2022-11-10
- End date has been extended from 2022-11-03 to 2022-11-10
Release 3.17
Drake Cutter 
2022-04-03 => 2022-11-10
- End date has been extended from 2022-10-27 to 2022-11-10
Release 3.17
Fire Hazard 

2021-03-29 => 2023-10-25
- Start date has been corrected from 2021-06-30 to 2021-03-29
- End date has been extended from 2023-06-05 to 2023-10-25
FPS Devices T1 

2022-02-18 => 2023-04-26
- End date has been extended from 2023-04-08 to 2023-04-26
Levski - Hospital Interior Location 
2021-02-16 => 2022-03-13
- End date has been extended from 2022-02-14 to 2022-03-13
Life Support T0 
2021-04-18 => 2023-10-22
- Start date has been corrected from 2021-07-11 to 2021-04-18
Mirai Fury 
2022-08-14 => 2023-05-24
- End date has been extended from 2023-05-10 to 2023-05-24
Release 3.19
MISC Hull C 

2021-03-07 => 2023-03-08
- Start date has been corrected from 2021-05-16 to 2021-03-07
Release 3.20
New Missions - Data Heist 
2023-03-29 => 2023-11-05
- End date has moved earlier (time allocation removal(s) or priority up likely)
from 2023-11-09 to 2023-11-05 - Mission Feature Team freed up 4 days of work
Release 3.21
Physical Damage & Breakability 

2021-01-18 => 2023-10-25
- End date has been extended from 2023-08-14 to 2023-10-25
Radar, Scanning, and Ping 

2021-01-03 => 2021-08-02
- Start date has been corrected from 2021-03-31 to 2021-01-03
Release 3.14
Retaliator Room OC Swapping 

2021-02-14 => 2021-06-10
- End date has been extended from 2021-02-25 to 2021-06-10
RSI Scorpius Antares 
2022-05-01 => 2022-11-24
- End date has been extended from 2022-11-10 to 2022-11-24
Release 3.18
Salvage - Vehicle Munching 
2023-02-01 => 2023-12-14
- Start date has been corrected from 2023-03-29 to 2023-02-01
Release 3.22
Salvage T0 

2021-04-19 => 2023-01-31
- Start date has been corrected from 2021-06-10 to 2021-04-19
Release 3.18
The Coil 
2020-12-31 => 2022-10-27
- End date has been extended from 2021-06-10 to 2022-10-27
Tumbril Storm 
2022-02-06 => 2023-10-18
- End date has been extended from 2023-07-31 to 2023-10-18
Release 3.21
Unannounced (Unannounced Vehicle) 
2023-02-26 => 2023-10-25
- End date has been extended from 2023-10-19 to 2023-10-25
Updates - Broken Moon & Dying Star Maps 
2020-12-31 => 2021-11-14
- End date has been extended from 2021-07-15 to 2021-11-14
Release 3.15