Progress Tracker Delta
558 deliverables listed | 2024-08-21 => 2024-10-30
There were 4 modifications, 0 removals, and 51 additions in this update. Please note that not all removals are intentional; there is currently a bug with how time is entered on the Progress Tracker that can cause deliverables to disappear.
extra analysis (click me)
There are 22 assignments scheduled to work on 18 observable deliverables. Of those deliverables, 0% are for SQ42 exclusively. 1% of deliverables are shared between both projects.
On average, the schedule has not moved. 9 deliverables were not extended:
- Asteroid Facilities
- Charge/Drain
- Frontier Clothing
- Headhunters Faction Outfits
- Jump Points
- MFD Rework
- New Player Experience
- Pyro Space Stations
- Rough and Ready Faction Outfits
The top currently scheduled tasks (in estimated man-days) are:
- 660 - SQ42 - Polishing (100% part-time)
- 87 - Pyro System, Planet, and Mission Setup (100% part-time)
- 66 - Weapon Misfire & Wear (100% part-time)
- 64 - Outpost Homestead - Independent & Outlaw (100% part-time)
- 64 - RSI Polaris (100% part-time)
- 63 - Quantum Travel Experience (100% part-time)
- 48 - FPS Radar / Scanning (100% part-time)
- 28 - Base Building (100% part-time)
- 14 - Crafting (100% part-time)
- 14 - Unannounced Vehicle (100% part-time)
- 9 - Unannounced Vehicle (100% part-time)
- 9 - Unannounced Vehicle (100% part-time)
- 6 - Anvil Hornet F7C-M MkII (100% part-time)
- 6 - Unannounced Vehicle (100% part-time)
- 6 - Unannounced Vehicle (100% part-time)
- 3 - Additional Player Customization (100% part-time)
- 3 - Unannounced Vehicle (100% part-time)
- 3 - Vehicle Radar / Scanning (100% part-time)
The top currently scheduled tasks (in assigned devs) are:
- 4 - SQ42 - Polishing (100% part-time)
- 2 - Base Building (100% part-time)
- 1 - Additional Player Customization (100% part-time)
- 1 - Anvil Hornet F7C-M MkII (100% part-time)
- 1 - Crafting (100% part-time)
- 1 - FPS Radar / Scanning (100% part-time)
- 1 - Outpost Homestead - Independent & Outlaw (100% part-time)
- 1 - Pyro System, Planet, and Mission Setup (100% part-time)
- 1 - Quantum Travel Experience (100% part-time)
- 1 - RSI Polaris (100% part-time)
- 1 - Unannounced Vehicle (100% part-time)
- 1 - Unannounced Vehicle (100% part-time)
- 1 - Unannounced Vehicle (100% part-time)
- 1 - Unannounced Vehicle (100% part-time)
- 1 - Unannounced Vehicle (100% part-time)
- 1 - Unannounced Vehicle (100% part-time)
- 1 - Vehicle Radar / Scanning (100% part-time)
- 1 - Weapon Misfire & Wear (100% part-time)
[51] deliverable(s) added:
Acidic Caves 
2024-07-31 => 2024-09-14
Implementing the acidic cave archetype, coming to both the Pyro and Stanton systems. Adorned with
luminous pools of water and dramatic stalactites and stalagmites, these caves provide a captivating
setting for exploration, FPS missions, missing person missions, and more.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Locations began work 2024-07-31
2 tasks (57% load)
Release 3.24
Additional Player Customization 
2024-04-15 => 2024-10-30
Following the release of the new character customizer in Alpha 3.23, this update adds additional
hair and facial hair options, as well as face piercings.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Character Art and Tech Team began work 2024-04-15
5 tasks (58% load)
Release 3.24
Aegis Sabre Firebird 
2023-12-31 => 2024-04-29
Building, balancing, and implementing Aegis’ medium missile fighter, the Sabre Firebird, into
the game.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - EU began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.23
Aegis Sabre Raven Gold Standard 
2023-12-31 => 2024-04-14
Implementing, polishing, and optimizing all features required to bring the Aegis Sabre Raven up to
gold standard.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - EU began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Anvil Hornet F7A MkI 
2024-01-31 => 2024-05-30
Building, balancing, and implementing Anvil’s classic military fighter, the F7A MkI, into the
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - NA began work 2024-01-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Anvil Hornet F7A MkII 
2023-12-31 => 2024-03-14
Building, balancing, and implementing Anvil’s premier military fighter, the Hornet F7A MkII,
into the game.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - NA began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Anvil Hornet F7C MkII 
2023-12-31 => 2024-03-14
Building, balancing, and implementing Anvil’s premier fighter, the Hornet F7C MkII, into the
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - NA began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.22
Anvil Hornet F7C-M MkII 
2024-06-30 => 2024-11-14
Building, balancing, and implementing Anvil’s premier two-person fighter, the Hornet F7C-M
MkII, into the game.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - NA began work 2024-06-30
6 tasks (58% load)
Anvil Hornet F7C-R Tracker MkII 
2024-07-31 => 2024-08-30
Building, balancing, and implementing Anvil’s scout fighter, the Hornet F7C-R Tracker MkII,
into the game.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - NA began work 2024-07-31
1 tasks (56% load)
Anvil Hornet F7C-S Ghost MkII 
2024-07-31 => 2024-08-30
Building, balancing, and implementing Anvil’s stealth fighter, the Hornet F7C-S Ghost MkII,
into the game.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - NA began work 2024-07-31
1 tasks (56% load)
Arena Commander: Custom Lobbies 
2023-12-31 => 2024-03-30
Custom Lobbies, previously referred to as “Private Matches”, makes their return to Arena
Commander. Utilizing the new Frontend & Lobby Systems, Custom Lobbies allow players to set up and
play matches for any game modes on any map at any time, with their own rules.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.23
Arena Commander: Engineering Experimental Mode 
2023-12-31 => 2024-03-14
Three Limited Test Experimental Modes featuring the engineering gameplay (also referred to as
“Resource Network”) showcased at CitizenCon 2953. Help shape the future of engineering gameplay in
Star Citizen by testing and giving feedback to the features and balance showcased in this limited
test before it hits the Persistent Universe.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.23
Argo MPUV Tractor 
2023-12-31 => 2024-04-29
Building, balancing, and implementing Argo’s utility vehicle, the MPUV Tractor, into the game.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - EU began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.23
Base Building 
2024-02-29 => 2024-12-29
All work encompassing the ability for players to construct and maintain bases, including resource
generation, commerce, and customization.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2024-02-29
9 tasks (59% load) - Locations began work 2024-03-31
9 tasks (59% load)
Contested Zones 
2024-05-31 => 2024-08-30
Contested Zones are a location feature coming to Pyro’s space stations, introducing FPS
gameplay with various layouts tailored for this purpose. The zones will feature a progression system
requiring tokens to unlock different zones, giving access to the loot inside. Collecting all of the
tokens will allow a player to open the final door and claim the grand prize.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Locations began work 2024-05-31
1 tasks (56% load)
Release 4.0
2023-12-31 => 2024-12-29
Implementing the ability for players to craft various items using resources from throughout the
persistent universe.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2023-12-31
9 tasks (59% load)
Distribution Centers 
2023-12-31 => 2024-05-14
Creating new traversable areas offering gameplay opportunities in corporate industrial environments.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Locations began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.23
Dynamic Crosshair 
2023-12-31 => 2024-04-29
Combat helmets now support the dynamic crosshair which allows for quicker target acquisition in
close-quarter situations.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.23
2023-12-31 => 2024-08-14
Allows players to manage, maintain and repair various ship systems. Players can assume different
roles that each provide a unique gameplay loop. With Engineering Gameplay, players have to contend
with item degradation, malfunctions, and power management.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Fauna - Kopion 
2023-12-31 => 2024-05-14
Populating the persistent universe with the Kopion, an aggressive, agile animal that travels in
packs. You’ll find them in a variety of areas, from grassy fields to lurking in the darkness of
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Character Art and Tech Team began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.23
Fauna - Marok 
2023-12-31 => 2024-05-14
Populating the persistent universe with the Marok, a passive flying bird-like creature. Maroks live
in flocks and are often found near lush, green environments.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Character Art and Tech Team began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.23
Fauna - Quasi Grazer 
2024-04-15 => 2024-09-29
These large, warm-blooded herd animals were originally discovered on the vast plains of Quasi on
Terra. Most notable for their unusual method of carrying their eggs on their underside, the Quasi
grazer has become one of the standard seed animals and there can be commonly found on most
terraformed planets in the UEE.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Character Art and Tech Team began work 2024-04-15
3 tasks (58% load)
Release 4.0
Forward Operating Bases 
2024-05-31 => 2024-08-14
Implementing a new type of point of interest in the persistent universe, the Forward Operating Base,
which is designed for small first-person gameplay experiences.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Locations began work 2024-05-31
Previously completed all available tasks
FPS Loot Screen 

2023-12-31 => 2024-02-27
Introducing a new screen for looting critical items quickly, allowing for more reliable inventory
management in tense situations.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.23
FPS Reload Improvements 
2023-12-31 => 2024-04-29
Introduction of backpack reloading and ammo repooling mechanics, which lets players avoid managing
magazines in their inventory during combat.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Inventory System Refactor
2024-02-29 => 2024-03-30
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2024-02-29
Previously completed all available tasks
Item Overheat 
2024-04-30 => 2024-08-30
Implementing the ability for items and weapons to overheat, causing damage and requiring the player
to contend with malfunctions.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2024-04-30
1 tasks (56% load)
Light Amplification - Scopes 
2024-05-31 => 2024-07-30
Implementing a new Light Amplification mode for several weapon optics, which allows for easier
target acquisition in low light conditions.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2024-05-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Mirai Pulse 
2023-12-31 => 2024-04-14
Building, balancing, and implementing Mirai’s hover bike, the Pulse, into the game.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - NA began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.23
Mission System Refactor 
2024-05-31 => 2024-09-29
Reworking the underlying Mission System to become compatible with Server Meshing, allowing for
easier creation and maintenance of mission content.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2024-05-31
3 tasks (58% load)
Release 4.0
New Character Customizer 

2023-12-31 => 2024-05-30
Implementing an overhaul of the player character creator for Star Citizen, including a new user
interface and additional customization options.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Character Art and Tech Team began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.23
New Missions - Creature Hunting 
2024-02-15 => 2024-04-29
New missions that require players to locate, kill and retrieve valuable parts of creatures roaming
the environment.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2024-02-15
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.23
New Missions - Repair, Charge and Drain 
2024-05-15 => 2024-08-30
Implementing new missions that introduce engineering gameplay into the persistent universe, first
appearing in Pyro’s outposts. Players will be tasked with going to the location and fixing wind
turbines, relays, moisture extractors, or solar panels. This is done by repairing pipes with the
your multi-tool, charging batteries with the new charge/drain feature, or replacing broken
components in the networks that are broken or missing.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2024-05-15
1 tasks (56% load)
Release 4.0
Overdrive Initiative 
2023-12-31 => 2024-02-27
Overdrive Initiative is a series of connected missions leading up to an updated XenoThreat Global
Event. This mission series includes multiple mission types and encourages group coordination.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Personal and Instanced Hangars 
2023-12-31 => 2024-06-29
Creating new tech that creates an instance of the player’s hangar to allow for uninterrupted
management of cargo, inventory, and vehicles. Personal hangars are found at the player’s home
location and allow for customization and organization of the hangar interior.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.24
Precision Targeting 

2024-02-15 => 2024-03-30
Implementing a new targeting mode for vehicles that allows higher accuracy in targeting ships,
including their components.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2024-02-15
Previously completed all available tasks
Rock Caves 
2024-07-31 => 2024-09-14
Implementing the rock cave archetype, coming to both the Pyro and Stanton systems. Illuminated by
bioluminescent mushrooms, these caves provide a unique atmosphere for exploration, FPS missions,
missing person missions, and more.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Locations began work 2024-07-31
2 tasks (57% load)
Release 3.24
RSI Ursa Medivac 
2023-12-31 => 2024-05-14
Building, balancing, and implementing RSI’s medical ground vehicle, the Ursa Medivac, into the
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - EU began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.23
2023-12-31 => 2024-09-29
Building, balancing, and implementing RSI’s small multi-crew cargo ship, the Zeus MkII CL, into
the game.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - NA began work 2023-12-31
3 tasks (58% load)
Release 3.24
2023-12-31 => 2024-08-30
Building, balancing, and implementing RSI’s small multi-crew ship, the Zeus MkII ES, into the
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - NA began work 2023-12-31
1 tasks (56% load)
Release 3.24
Sand Caves 
2024-07-31 => 2024-09-14
Establishing the visual language, creation pipeline and quality standard for a new sand cave
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Locations began work 2024-07-31
2 tasks (57% load)
Release 3.18
Scope Magnification 
2023-12-31 => 2024-04-29
Updates to magnification effects on weapon scopes for improved accuracy and visual quality.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Storage Access 
2023-12-31 => 2024-05-30
Adding Storage Access kiosks to the persistent universe, allowing players to retrieve and store FPS
items at multiple locations.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2023-12-31
Previously completed all available tasks
Release 3.24
2024-06-30 => 2024-12-29
Unannounced Vehicle
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - EU began work 2024-06-30
9 tasks (59% load)
2024-01-15 => 2024-11-14
Unannounced Vehicle
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - EU began work 2024-01-15
6 tasks (58% load)
2024-03-15 => 2024-04-29
Unannounced Vehicle
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - EU began work 2024-03-15
Previously completed all available tasks
2024-02-15 => 2024-11-14
Unannounced Vehicle
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - NA began work 2024-02-15
6 tasks (58% load)
2023-12-31 => 2024-11-29
Unannounced Vehicle
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - NA began work 2023-12-31
7 tasks (58% load)
2024-02-29 => 2024-10-30
Unannounced Vehicle
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - NA began work 2024-02-29
5 tasks (58% load)
2023-12-31 => 2024-11-29
Unannounced Vehicle
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Vehicle Content - EU began work 2023-12-31
7 tasks (58% load)
Vehicle Radar / Scanning 
2024-01-31 => 2024-10-30
Implementing new and improved vehicle radar and scanning systems, allowing for the passive and
active detection of radar contacts and information about the vehicle’s status, as well as its
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2024-01-31
5 tasks (58% load)
[4] deliverable(s) updated:
2021-02-28 => 2024-08-30
Removed from release roadmap!
Fire Extinguisher 

2022-01-15 => 2024-08-14
Removed from release roadmap!
Jump Points 

2021-02-19 => 2024-09-29
- Release Category has been changed from
to ‘Gameplay’
Release 4.0
Life Support 
2021-04-18 => 2024-07-30