Progress Tracker Delta
507 deliverables listed | 2024-02-07 => 2024-08-21
There were 29 modifications, 5 removals, and 3 additions in this update. Please note that not all removals are intentional; there is currently a bug with how time is entered on the Progress Tracker that can cause deliverables to disappear.
extra analysis (click me)
There are approximately 6 devs (out of ~780, or 1%) with 20 assignments scheduled to work on 16 observable deliverables. Of those deliverables, 0% are for SQ42 exclusively, with ~2 devs (0%) scheduled for approximately 957 man-days. 1% of deliverables are shared between both projects.
On average, the schedule has expanded by 430 days. 10 deliverables were not extended:
- Aegis Retaliator Gold Standard
- EVA T2
- Fire Extinguisher
- Freight Elevators
- Map and Radar System Rework
- Master Modes
- New Missions - Cargo Hauling
- Player Interaction Experience T0 - Hints & Interactions
- Player Interaction Experience T2 - Visor HUD & Helmet
- Reputation - Hostility
The top currently scheduled tasks (in estimated man-days) are:
- 957 - SQ42 - Polishing (100% part-time)
- 98 - Pyro System, Planet, and Mission Setup (100% part-time)
- 87 - Jump Points (100% part-time)
- 86 - Weapon Misfire & Wear (100% part-time)
- 75 - Outpost Homestead - Independent & Outlaw (100% part-time)
- 75 - RSI Polaris (100% part-time)
- 74 - Quantum Travel Experience (100% part-time)
- 60 - FPS Radar / Scanning (100% part-time)
- 57 - Frontier Clothing (100% part-time)
- 57 - Headhunters Faction Outfits (100% part-time)
- 57 - Rough and Ready Faction Outfits (100% part-time)
- 45 - New Player Experience (100% part-time)
- 36 - Pyro Space Stations (100% part-time)
- 27 - MFD Rework (100% part-time)
- 24 - Asteroid Facilities (100% part-time)
- 3 - Charge/Drain (100% part-time)
The top currently scheduled tasks (in assigned devs) are:
- 4 - SQ42 - Polishing (100% part-time)
- 2 - Jump Points (100% part-time)
- 1 - Asteroid Facilities (100% part-time)
- 1 - Charge/Drain (100% part-time)
- 1 - FPS Radar / Scanning (100% part-time)
- 1 - Frontier Clothing (100% part-time)
- 1 - Headhunters Faction Outfits (100% part-time)
- 1 - MFD Rework (100% part-time)
- 1 - New Player Experience (100% part-time)
- 1 - Outpost Homestead - Independent & Outlaw (100% part-time)
- 1 - Pyro Space Stations (100% part-time)
- 1 - Pyro System, Planet, and Mission Setup (100% part-time)
- 1 - Quantum Travel Experience (100% part-time)
- 1 - Rough and Ready Faction Outfits (100% part-time)
- 1 - RSI Polaris (100% part-time)
- 1 - Weapon Misfire & Wear (100% part-time)
[5] deliverable(s) removed:
Charge/Drain T0 

Last scheduled from 2021-02-28 to 2023-03-01
All back-end tech tasks related to creating the first pass of the charge/drain power feature that
will be used in future location and mission updates.
The following team(s) have been freed up:
- VFX Team
x1 Art dev had 1 tasks - Weapon Content Team
x1 Animation dev had 1 tasks - Narrative
x1 Design dev had 1 tasks - Weapon Feature Team
x2 Engineering devs had 10 tasks
Drake Cutter Scout 
Last scheduled from 2023-04-02 to 2023-10-05
Building, balancing, and implementing Drake Interplanetary’s reconnaissance ship, the Cutter
Scout, into the game.
The following team(s) have been freed up:
- VFX Team
- Vehicle Content - MTL
Release 3.21
Life Support T0 
Last scheduled from 2021-04-18 to 2023-10-22
Implementing the first iteration of onboard life support systems in ships, which entails a ship
component that generates air when turned on, and management of said life support component within
the vehicle loadout manager.
The following team(s) have been freed up:
- Arena Commander Feature Team
x1 Design dev had 7 tasks
x1 Engineering dev had 5 tasks - Narrative
x1 Design dev had 2 tasks - EU PU Gameplay Feature Team
x1 Engineering dev had 24 tasks
x1 Design dev had 20 tasks - Vehicle Concept Art
x1 Art dev had 3 tasks
Prone T1 

Last scheduled from 2022-09-29 to 2023-03-30
All tasks relating to implementing prone (lying down) movement by the player and NPCs.
The following team(s) have been freed up:
- Actor Tech Team
x1 Engineering dev had 48 tasks - Actor Feature Team
x1 Engineering dev had 32 tasks
x1 Animation dev had 96 tasks
RSI Zeus MkII 
Last scheduled from 2023-11-05 to 2023-12-28
Building, balancing, and implementing RSI’s small multicrew ship, the Zeus MkII, into the game.
The following team(s) have been freed up:
- Vehicle Content - MTL
x2 Art devs had 11 tasks
[3] deliverable(s) added:
2021-02-28 => 2024-08-30
Adding the ability for players to drain, store, and charge objects with power using the multi-tool.
Includes the ability to overcharge objects and also remove distortion damage.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2024-03-31
x1 Developer dev with 1 tasks (56% load) - Z-Archive - Narrative began work 2022-06-26
x1 Design dev previously completed all available tasks - Z-Archive - VFX Team began work 2023-02-15
x1 Art dev previously completed all available tasks - Z-Archive - Weapon Content Team began work 2021-02-28
x1 Art dev previously completed all available tasks
x1 Animation dev previously completed all available tasks - Z-Archive - Weapon Feature Team began work 2022-05-15
x2 Engineering devs previously completed all available tasks
Release 4.0
Life Support 
2021-04-18 => 2024-07-30
Implementing the first iteration of onboard life support systems in ships, which entails a ship
component that generates breathable gas when turned on, and management of said life support
component within the vehicle loadout manager.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2023-12-31
x1 Developer dev previously completed all available tasks - Z-Archive - Arena Commander Feature Team began work 2021-04-18
x1 Design dev previously completed all available tasks
x1 Engineering dev previously completed all available tasks - Z-Archive - EU PU Gameplay Feature Team began work 2022-01-03
x1 Design dev previously completed all available tasks
x1 Engineering dev previously completed all available tasks - Z-Archive - Narrative began work 2022-04-03
x1 Design dev previously completed all available tasks - Z-Archive - Vehicle Concept Art began work 2021-07-11
x1 Art dev previously completed all available tasks
Release 4.0

2022-09-29 => 2024-03-30
All tasks relating to implementing prone (lying down) movement by the player and NPCs.
The following team(s) were assigned:
- Core Gameplay Pillar began work 2024-02-15
x1 Developer dev previously completed all available tasks - Z-Archive - Actor Feature Team began work 2022-09-29
x1 Animation dev previously completed all available tasks
x1 Engineering dev previously completed all available tasks - Z-Archive - Actor Tech Team began work 2023-01-05
x1 Engineering dev previously completed all available tasks
[29] deliverable(s) updated:
Aegis Retaliator Gold Standard 

2021-01-03 => 2024-05-14
- End date has been extended from 2021-07-01 to 2024-05-14
- Vehicle Content - EU added 135 days of work
x1 Art dev with 9 tasks (318% => 163% load)
x1 Design dev with 4 tasks (417% load)
x1 Developer dev with 9 tasks (30% load)
Asteroid Facilities 
2022-06-28 => 2024-09-14
- End date has been extended from 2023-06-29 to 2024-09-14
- Locations was assigned, revealing 67 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 6 tasks (31% load)

2021-05-13 => 2024-06-29
- End date has been extended from 2023-03-30 to 2024-06-29
- Core Gameplay Pillar was assigned, revealing 128 days of work
Release 3.23
Fire Extinguisher 

2022-01-15 => 2024-08-14
- End date has been extended from 2023-05-25 to 2024-08-14
Core Gameplay Pillar was assigned, revealing 99 days of work
- Added to the 4.0 release window
“Implementing functional fire extinguishers in-game.”
Fire Hazard 

2021-03-29 => 2023-10-25
- Added to the 4.0 release window
“Implementing the Fire Hazard system on a select few vehicles”
FPS Radar / Scanning 

2021-01-03 => 2024-11-14
- End date has been extended from 2022-10-26 to 2024-11-14
- Core Gameplay Pillar was assigned, revealing 128 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 14 tasks (29% load)
Freight Elevators 
2022-09-25 => 2024-06-29
- End date has been extended from 2023-12-14 to 2024-06-29
- Core Gameplay Pillar was assigned, revealing 128 days of work
Locations was assigned, revealing 128 days of work
- Added to the 3.24 release window
“Implementation of systems and content for players to physically load and unload cargo to and from their ships.”
Frontier Clothing 
2021-08-15 => 2024-09-29
- End date has been extended from 2023-06-15 to 2024-09-29
- Character Art and Tech Team added 242 days of work
x4 Art devs with 9 tasks (37% => 30% load)
x1 Developer dev with 16 tasks (29% load)
Gatac Syulen 
2023-02-26 => 2023-10-25
Removed from release roadmap!
Headhunters Faction Outfits 
2023-03-26 => 2024-09-29
- End date has been extended from 2023-10-14 to 2024-09-29
- Character Art and Tech Team was assigned, revealing 203 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 16 tasks (29% load)
Jump Points 

2021-02-19 => 2024-09-29
- End date has been extended from 2023-09-20 to 2024-09-29
- Core Gameplay Pillar was assigned, revealing 234 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 4 tasks (11% load) -
Locations was assigned, revealing 37 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 4 tasks (28% load) - Added to the 4.0 release window
“Introducing the first jump point into the persistent universe”
Map and Radar System Rework 

2021-04-04 => 2024-03-14
- End date has been extended from 2023-10-14 to 2024-03-14
- Core Gameplay Pillar was assigned, revealing 74 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 5 tasks (32% load)
Master Modes 

2022-01-18 => 2024-03-30
- End date has been extended from 2022-09-28 to 2024-03-30
Core Gameplay Pillar was assigned, revealing 90 days of work
- Added to the 3.23 release window
“Introduce the NAV and SCM modes to Star Citizen as well as a complete re-tuning of all ships”
MFD Rework 

2021-02-05 => 2024-08-30
- End date has been extended from 2023-07-31 to 2024-08-30
- Core Gameplay Pillar was assigned, revealing 113 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 8 tasks (30% load)
mobiGlas Rework 

2022-01-16 => 2023-10-14
- Added to the 3.23 release window
“Reworked mobiGlas using Building Blocks and reworked Apps”
New Missions - Cargo Hauling 
2023-06-30 => 2024-08-14
- End date has been extended from 2023-11-09 to 2024-08-14
Core Gameplay Pillar was assigned, revealing 220 days of work
- Added to the 3.24 release window
“New hauling missions send players to pick up and transport cargo, utilizing the new freight platforms”
New Player Experience 
2022-06-28 => 2024-09-29
- End date has been extended from 2023-12-14 to 2024-09-29
- Core Gameplay Pillar was assigned, revealing 143 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 4 tasks (15% load)
Release 3.19
Outpost Homestead - Independent & Outlaw 
2021-01-04 => 2024-10-30
- End date has been extended from 2023-12-14 to 2024-10-30
- Locations was assigned, revealing 234 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 20 tasks (29% load)
Player Interaction Experience T0 - Hints & Interactions 

2021-01-03 => 2024-03-14
- End date has been extended from 2023-03-26 to 2024-03-14
- Core Gameplay Pillar was assigned, revealing 74 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 5 tasks (32% load)
Player Interaction Experience T2 - Visor HUD & Helmet 

2022-02-18 => 2024-03-14
- End date has been extended from 2023-10-14 to 2024-03-14
- Core Gameplay Pillar was assigned, revealing 74 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 5 tasks (32% load)
Pyro Space Stations 
2021-04-01 => 2024-09-29
- End date has been extended from 2023-11-05 to 2024-09-29
Locations was assigned, revealing 98 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 4 tasks (19% load) - Added to the 4.0 release window
“Implementing space station points of interest in the Pyro system”
Pyro System, Planet, and Mission Setup 
2021-01-03 => 2024-12-29
- End date has been extended from 2023-09-28 to 2024-12-29
- Locations was assigned, revealing 234 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 24 tasks (29% load)
Quantum Travel Experience 
2021-07-21 => 2024-12-29
- End date has been extended from 2023-03-16 to 2024-12-29
- Core Gameplay Pillar was assigned, revealing 113 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 16 tasks (29% load)
Reputation - Hostility 
2023-06-30 => 2024-04-29
- End date has been extended from 2023-11-05 to 2024-04-29
Core Gameplay Pillar was assigned, revealing 6 days of work
- Added to the 3.23 release window
“Players now have long-term reputation with factions, affecting the way they react”
Rough and Ready Faction Outfits 
2023-05-07 => 2024-09-29
- End date has been extended from 2023-06-15 to 2024-09-29
- Character Art and Tech Team was assigned, revealing 203 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 16 tasks (29% load)
RSI Polaris 

2023-04-02 => 2024-10-30
- End date has been extended from 2023-12-14 to 2024-10-30
- Vehicle Content - EU added 251 days of work
x8 Art devs with 126 tasks (48% => 37% load)
x1 Design dev with 11 tasks (417% load)
x1 Developer dev with 20 tasks (29% load)
Solar Burst 
2021-09-28 => 2021-10-11
- Added to the 4.0 release window
“Implementing the Solar Burst natural hazard into the Pyro system”
SQ42 - Polishing 
2023-09-11 => 2024-12-29
- End date has been extended from 2023-12-14 to 2024-12-29
- SQ42 - Chapter Strike Team 0 added 251 days of work
x6 Design devs with 25 tasks (14% load)
x1 Developer dev with 144 tasks (50% load) - SQ42 - Chapter Strike Team 1 added 251 days of work
x4 Design devs with 17 tasks (19% load)
x1 Developer dev with 96 tasks (47% load) - SQ42 - Chapter Strike Team 2 added 251 days of work
x1 Tech Content dev with 4 tasks (106% load)
x4 Design devs with 17 tasks (19% => 18% load)
x1 Developer dev with 120 tasks (49% load) - SQ42 - Social Strike Team added 251 days of work
x9 Design devs with 37 tasks (9% load)
x2 Engineering devs with 8 tasks (53% load)
x1 Developer dev with 264 tasks (54% load)
Weapon Misfire & Wear 

2021-10-10 => 2024-12-29
- End date has been extended from 2023-10-14 to 2024-12-29
- Core Gameplay Pillar was assigned, revealing 203 days of work
x1 Developer dev with 27 tasks (33% load)